Since the HuBot install article that I was following recommended OpenFire and Spark, I decided to give it a test drive.
Here is how I installed and set it up on a local VM.
The first step was to get OpenFire from the Ignite's website:
which I did using this O2 Platform script:
... that when executed downloaded the zipfile, started the openfire.exe and opened the default browser at localhost:9090
I then configured OpenFire to use an Embedded Database
... to use the default profile settings:
... and to use this default admin account:
Which completed the setup:
... with no errors in the OpenFire popup process
Next I used to login page:
... which didn't accept the email as username (see above), so I had to use admin
... to login and access the admin interface:
As per the HuBot Install article, we should create a couple accounts and a room:
So, here is the developer account:
... here is the hubot user:
... and here is the hubot room:
With the OpenFire IM server up and running, the next step was to install the Spark IM client:
Which I did using this script:
... which downloaded the installer
... executed it
... and launched it
Using the developer account previously created, I was able to connect to the OpenFire server:
Here is the Spark post login UI:
Here is OpenFire's Client Sessions page (showing the logged in Spark user)
Finally, to access the HuBot room we previously created, I clicked on the Conferences tab
Then on the conference.{computerName} option:
... then on the HuBot option:
... and we can see that we have a fully operational client and server IM setup :)