Here are some pictures of this event and set-up
Before setting up the 'coding stations':
The '5 coding stations' available for kids (and adults) to have a go:
My little helper having a pizza before the event starts (with another view of the multiple stations set-up)
First 'coding station' on the left was a laptop connected to a Robot Arm (and with scratch running locally)
Which was followed by a Raspeberry Pi cased in a Lego box, using an LDC display and wireless USB mini Keyboard/Mouse:
Finally there was the 'Arduino' station for the more adventurous ones:
We had about 10 participants, who spend their time (mainly) programming Scratch (one little kid had a good go at the robot arm)
Here is a nice picture of the participants enjoying some coding:
Next meetup
Following the success of this event, we are going to do it again every two weeks in July and August.
The next days are July 8th, Jul 22nd, Aug 5th and Aug 19th (all Mondays from 6 till 8pm).
If you want to attend please, register at
UPDATE: Book's Library is live:
See CodingLab Library at Union Jacks in Chiswick for the first working version of the library of programming books available for general use (with books on Scratch, RaspberryPI. Arduino, BeagleBone, Phyton, Linux)