I just spent a little bit applying a new design to this blog and cleaning up the layout a bit (hopefully it will make it easier to use and to find the best bits)
This is what the new layout looks like:
I changed the side-bar gadget used to show the post's labels, and I think this one makes it easier to find specific posts or themes (I also need to spend some more time cleaning up some of those labels):
Another Blogger feature that I need to get the discipline of using is it's Jump Break capabilities to define the part of the post that should show on the blog home page (since the the moment the entire post is shown, making the home page harder to read and navigate):
I moved the Blog Archive to the bottom (it was on the right), and it is shown side-by-side with the (newly added) Populate Posts Gadget:
The blog search is on the top right which should make it easier to find and to trigger searches for specific content:
Let me know what you think of it, and if you have any ideas on how to make it better.