var topPanel = "Util - Current Font Families".popupWindow(700,400) .insert_LogViewer(); //var topPanel = panel.clear().add_Panel(); var fonts = System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families.toList(); if (fonts.first().Name == "Aharoni") fonts.remove(0); //remove font Aharoni which was throwing errors var fontsList = topPanel.title("Font Names").add_TreeView(); var fontsList_InStyle = fontsList.parent().insert_Below("Fonts names in Font Style").add_TreeView(); var textBox = topPanel.insert_Right("Selected Font: TextArea").add_TextArea() .set_Text("this is some text\nin the selected font"); var treeView = textBox.insert_Below("Selected Font: TreeView").add_TreeView() .add_Nodes(new [] {"a node", "In a treeview"}) .add_Node("parent node").add_Node("Child Node") .treeView(); //textBox.font(font.Name); Action<FontFamily> setFont = (font)=>{ "Showing font: {0}".info(font.Name); treeView.font(font.Name); textBox.font(font.Name); }; fontsList.afterSelect<FontFamily>(setFont); fontsList_InStyle.afterSelect<FontFamily>(setFont); fontsList.add_Nodes(fonts, (font)=>font.Name, (font)=>font, (font)=>false) .selectFirst() .add_ContextMenu() .add_MenuItem("copy to clipboard", ()=> fontsList.selected().get_Text().clipboardText_Set()); fonts.toList().forEach<FontFamily>( (font)=>{ fontsList_InStyle.add_Node(font.Name, font) .font(font.Name.font()); });
Packaged as a stand-alone exe:
which you can download from: Util - Current Font Families v1.0.exe
and looks like this:
you can select a font name (on either TreeViews on the left), and see what that font looks like on a TextArea or TreeView