Thursday 14 March 2013

Prob with (older version of) NGit where it was failing to create Git repositories in Azure/TeamCity

Using an NGit version from a couple months ago.
var userHome = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, "App_Data"), "git");
//using System.IO;
//using System.Web.Hosting;

var runTime = "Sharpen.dll".assembly().type("Runtime");

var properties = (Hashtable)runTime.invokeStatic("GetProperties");

var result = "There are {0} properties <br>".format(properties.size());
properties["user.home"] = userHome;
//return properties["user.home"];
foreach(DictionaryEntry item in properties)
    result+= "{0} = {1}<br/>".format(item.Key, item.Value);
return result;

var tempRepo = "tempRepo".tempDir(false);
    var initCommand = NGit.Api.Git.Init();
catch(Exception ex)
    return ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;

//return new API_NGit().init(tempRepo).str();
return tempRepo.isGitRepository();

//using O2.FluentSharp;

/*var runTime = "Sharpen.dll".assembly().type("Runtime");
var properties = (Hashtable)runTime.invokeStatic("GetProperties");
var result = "There are {0} properties <br>".format(properties.size());

foreach(DictionaryEntry item in properties)
    result+= "{0} = {1}<br/>".format(item.Key, item.Value);
return result;
return "FluentSharp.NGit.dll".assembly();*/

//using System.Collections;

I would get this exception:


The error is the one documented here:

After forking the repo and building it locally in VS 2010, I run the UnitTests (note: only one of 2284 tests failed after a couple retries (there were about 20 that failed on fist execution, but passed to individual retest)):


I then added the compiled assemblies to TeamMentor, and now this script:
var properties = Sharpen.Runtime.GetProperties();
var result = "There are {0} properties <br>".format(properties.size());
//properties["user.home"] = userHome;
//return properties["user.home"];
foreach(DictionaryEntry item in properties)
    result+= "{0} = {1}<br/>".format(item.Key, item.Value);

var tempRepo = "tempRepo".tempDir(false);
    var initCommand = NGit.Api.Git.Init();
catch(Exception ex)
    return ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;
return tempRepo;

return result;

//using System.Collections;

 Executed on the O2 Platform Browser-based C# REPL:


Creates the local repository on a local folder.

NOTE: For reference here is how to write that reflection script using the O2 API;s


var runTime = "Sharpen.dll".assembly().type("Runtime");
var properties = (Hashtable)runTime.invokeStatic("GetProperties");
"There are {0} properties".debug(properties.size());
foreach(DictionaryEntry item in properties)
    "{0} = {1}".info(item.Key, item.Value);
//using System.Collections
return aPI_NGit;
