Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Want to work? I need resources ASAP for TeamMentor 3.1 release

With TeamMentor 3.1 entering its last push before general release I have budget to add a couple temporary resources to the team in order to make sure this release absolutely rocks!

Here are the current tasks I can hire you (or somebody you know) ASAP as a short term contractor:

  • QA and Testing -  test TM and provide feedback on any bugs (on previous and new features). Ability to write UnitTests is VERY important (on NUnit and/or QUnit)
  • Security review, do a security review on the new 3.1 features (btw, I want any findings as Unit Tests). See ...O2 in Seattle..." and "...Please Hack TeamMentor (beta)... for more details
  • Library Creation and Content Review - go though the exercise of creating a bunch of new libraries (from existing TM content and from other sources), both using the previous and new editing modes. The objective is to make sure the workflow(s) are working 100%
  • TM Documentation - There is quite a lot to document, specially on the customization front (and I expect that who is involved in the tasks described above will also create TM Documentation articles)
In order to make this workable, I want to allocate these tasks in blocks of 500 USD a pop (i.e. brief).

So your brief is to write your brief based on the tasks you want to do :)

Then send it to me, and if it looks good, you can start strait away (note that we want to release 3.1 in the next week(s)).

One caveat, if you have problems working with Git and GitHub, you probably are not a good fit (sorry about that).

Tip: The best way for you to get this gig is for you to go to this GitHub repository or to this one , create a clone (or Fork) and send me a patch :)