You start by downloading the O2 Platform it from:
Find the downloaded file and copy it into a local folder:
Double click on it, and the main O2 Gui should appear:
if you look back into the folder you copied O2 into, you should see a couple extra folders in there:
What we are going to do next is to update the O2.Platform.Scripts folder with the latest version for GitHub (i.e. from this O2.Platform.Scripts repository)
Back in O2’s Gui, open the O2 REPL C# Script
Find and select the O2 Scripts > Download/Update O2 Scripts (via http) context menu option
this will trigger the download of the scripts
which should all unzip ok (apart from one image that is in use)
back in the main O2 Gui, click on Find an O2 Script
Do a search for a recent script (not available in the v4.5), for example the one shown in the PoC - Selenium - Gui with 3 Hijacked Browser Windows.h2 post:
In this case we need to run the Selenium installer first:
which will download the 2.28.0 version from Selenium’s GoogleCode repository:
Once that is completed, you will be able to execute the PoC - Selenium - Gui with 3 Hijacked Browser Windows.h2 script
Which (after downloading the WebDrivers for Chrome and IE), should look like this: