To do that we will need to replicate the client-site (JavaScript based) request sent to GA (Google Analytics) servers.
The way GA works, is that the ga.js file creates a gif request containing the current user’s data (see references at the end of this post for more details):
Here is the raw GET request submitted:’s WebForms makes it easier to read:
So to replicate this event (and add an entry to GA), all we need to do is to sent a GET request, which can be easily done using O2 C# REPL:
Here is it better formatted:
Refactoring the values as variables:
Here is the same request with some more refactoring and variables description (from here):
The most interesting fields are the utmdt (Page Title) and utmp (Current Page), which if we change like this:
Will show (in real-time) like this at GA's dashboard:
This Active Page and Page Title fields can be used to hold interesting state data:
Note how in the screenshot below, the first batch has a 'fixed Page value and unique Title value', and the 2nd batch has 'unique Page value and fixed Title value'.
After a bit of experimentation, here are the four minimum fields that need to be submitted:
One of the fields required is the utmac , which is a UrlEncoded cookie value. This is what it looks like (after decoding it)
Here are the values (which have a kinda weird separation)
Only the __utma needs to have a value:
In fact only this value is needed:
Next, let’s deconstruct the __utma value based on the info from:
Which looks like this:
Here is a version with no hard-coded values:
Note: that randomNumber and the timestamp are used to create the cookie value (i.e. utmac). which is basically the same as a SessionId (from GA's point of view). This means that if we make this value random (like above) we will get a new session per request (see below):
Here is the code required to make a valid request (uncomment 2nd part to add Campaign data)
Note that the randomNumber and timeStamp values can be anything (it looks like they are used to create a unique cookie value used to identify the session at GA (Google Analytics))
Finally here is the smallest version of the code required to send data to GA:
Finally here is a refactored version with Lamda methods to register the pages:
The script shown above creates data like this (below), when executed a couple times (note how it easy it was to register 40 events):
VisualStudio/Dev Note: this entire script was developed inside VisualStudio using the C# REPL environment and a browser window (which created a very powerful, fast and effective development environment):
Security note:
- there is no authentication and authorization (from GA point of view)
- GA doesn't allow data from being removed from its database
- the key piece of information required to send bogus data to any google site is the GA Account id (which is publicly exposed by any site that uses)
- what prevents the creation of thousands or millions of fake GA log entries?
- what is google's mitigation against this?
- why has this not been exploited? (or has it?)
See this for multiple versions of the code shown in the post
- Explanation of all the available Gif parameter values (from Google):
- Request Parameters Explained
- - What does the utmscr or utmcct values mean in reference to the Http cookie Server variable?
- GitHub: dougrathbone/ – “….GaDotNet is a .Net library that allows for page view and event tracking, through code on the server side…” (see also
- TrackingRequest.cs from GaDotNet