Well here is one.
I am currently writing a couple customizations for a TeamMentor client which are deployed/applied via the (new to 3.3.) UserData WebRoot_Files folder.
This means that, for example, to change the top banner shown in the main TM GUI, we can create custom versions of the main TM files in this folder (included as part of the UserData repo):
These files will be ‘copied in place’ of the original versions in the main TM web root.
Here is the code that does this ‘copy’:
The only problem is that the copy_FilesIntoWebRoot method is called from this SetUp method (which yes, needs some refactoring :) )
This SetUp method is the one responsible for loading all data (plush a bunch of git syncs) and is not really needed here, since all we want is to copy the new versions of the files in the WebRoot_Files folder into TM's web root.
In practice this means that either we make the customization changes directly on the ‘files-to-be-over-written’ location (not a good idea) or we trigger the SetUp method after editing the files in the UserData repo (which can take some time if there are lots of libraries configured)
The other way to do it, is to invoke the copy_FilesIntoWebRoot method directly :)
Which can’t be done via any existing GUI action, but can be easily done via the CSharpREPL GUI, like this:
So, not only I use the TM CSharpRepl editor for advanced debugging sessions, I also very regularly use it to perform actions currently not supported by the existing API’s or GUIs :)