- Util - Windows Handles Viewer (Simple GUI with REPL) v1.0.exe
- Util - Windows Handles Viewer (Simple Gui) v1.0.exe
- Util - Java Decompiler (JAD based) v1.0.exe
- AppScan Source Findings in Ozasmt files (and O2 tools to View, Filter, Join, Stitch and Script them)
- O2 tools to view and script J2EE, Struts and Tiles xml config files
- TM - Library Manager (with REPL) v1.2.3.exe
- Util - Cir Viewer (with C# DLL converter) v1.0
- WinDbg, Cdb, Sun-Of-Strike and Util - Start SoSNet (O2 Version).exe
- Util - O2 Java Tools (IKVM Based) v1.0
- Tool - O2 Cmd SpringMVC v1.0.exe - as standalone exe
- Util - View CheatSheets at devcheatsheet.com v1.0.exe
Btw, there are a lot more tools (i.e. O2 *.h2 scripts) that I have created but have not had the time to write a blog post about.
If you are looking for a particular script or tool, take a look at this public dropbox folder
Question: As I asked in Should I start an O2 based 'A-Tool-a-Day' blog? , anybody has some cycles to help with this?
Maybe we could do something like the old SysInternals website? Which was a big collection of Mark's tools filtered by type and target audience. Btw here are the (pre-Microsoft acquisition) exes/source-code of the original sysinternals tools: http://court.shrock.org/sysinternals/ )