Monday, 16 December 2013

Adding and using new API methods, that are consumed by an Eclipse Plugin under development (without Eclipse restart)

This is a variation of the example shown in Using JRebel to HotSwap new Static String fields in an Eclipse Plugin (without Eclipse restart) and its such a cool/powerful workflow that it deserves a dedicated blog post.

Part of the Eclipse Plug-in development toolkit I'm working on, are couple APIs that are inspired/based on my previous work at the OWASP O2 Platform's FluentSharp APIs (available from NuGet).

The core idea of these Fluent APIs is to simplify to the maximum the code required to perform a particular action.

This means that if you were programming an Eclipse UI, and (for example) you wanted to open a view, you shouldn't need a lot of commands and instructions.

You should just be able to say: eclipseUI.new_View("{view title}");

Which is one of the APIs that I've added to the file (exposed to the Groovy execution environment) and can be used like this:

What you see above is the Groovy environment described on Programming Eclipse in Real-Time (using an 'Groovy based' Eclipse Plug-in) executing the eclipseUI.new_View("This is the title of a new view"); script, which will create a new view (shown in the bottom panel).

My objective is to create an API (which is really a DSL) that is very intuitive and easy to use.

That means that there are cases where it makes sense to have repeated methods. For example I have already found myself trying to use the method eclipseUI.add_View("{view title}"); instead of the existing eclipseUI.new_View("{view title}");  (i.e for some reason, there are cases/workflows where I fell calling that method new_View and others add_View).

Before the JRebel HotSwap capabilities, I would had needed to:

1) go to the main Eclipse (the one running in the background and with the Eclipse plugin source code)
2) add/change the new API Method
3) start a new instance of Eclipse
4) see the result
5) make changes/fixes to the code, and (depending on the location of those changes) restart Eclipse

In fact, since I'm trying to do as much TDD as I can, most of the development should be done using Unit Tests (which adds another layer of execution/complexity). And since Eclipse start-ups can take from 10s to 50s, this workflow really sucked (and killed off any development mojo)

But what I really want is to:

1) add new API Methods (or change existing ones)
2) execute them (without needing to restart Eclipse, AND ideally without changing Eclipse instances)

That's it :)

And that is what I have now :)

Lets see it in action.

Here is an attempt of using the add_View method, which currently doesn't exist in the eclipseUI class.

Now, what is really cool, is that I'm going to open the actual TeamMentor.Eclipse.PlugIn.Fortify project inside the Eclipse instance current running that Eclipse plugin. Think of this like being inside the Matrix, opening up the code to the Matrix, changing it and executing it :)

Once I have that project openned (note how there are no compilation errors), I can open the file (screenshot above) and add the new add_View(String viewId) static method (screenshot below)

And in the time that it took me to save and switch tabs, the new class was compiled and JRebel did the hotswap :)

Which means that I can now use it in my script:

Which was done:

1) without restarting Eclipse
2) without going to the parent Eclipse (running on the background)

Basically, meaning that I now have the speed of compilation+activation that I need (less than 1 sec), so that I can program at speed of type and without losing any mojo (i.e. I'm very productive)

Here is a final example where I use the new add_View method in conjunction with other methods I had added before to:

1) create a new View
2) add a browser to it
3) open the page

I really like the script shown above, because it is easier to read (today and in 6 months time), and it moves all the Eclipse API complexity to behind the scenes.

NOTE: we still have access to all the normal Eclipse API methods and classes from here, it is just that at this stage they are not needed :)