Tuesday 16 July 2013

Code Club - Video with Scratch Games created by the Kids I was teaching at a local school

For the last couple months (May till June 2013) I have been running a  Code Club session at my daughter school.

Every wednesday at 3:30pm, I went there for 1h and taught 14 kids (Y3 till Y6) how to program Scratch (with a brave one doing some Python)

To wrap up the year, we did a presentation to the Key Stage 2 assembly, where we presented the video below (to show some examples of their efforts and creativity):

I'm pretty proud of what they created, specially the little ones (Y3), who really showed that programming has no age to start :)

I was also quite happy with this video, since I learned a couple new Camtasia 2.0 techniques while doing it (the video was completed at 4am, the day before the presentation :)  )

Note: the script that does the zoom on the CodeClub website is here:  CodeClubWebsite/Map_Animation-StPeters.js