Sunday 9 December 2012

Adding a C# REPL Script to Windows Live Writer

Let’s give Windows Live Writer 'Copy and Paste of images' feature a test-drive by documenting how to inject a C# REPL script into it

Using the latest (4.5.2) version of the O2 Platform image

click on the Find an O2 Script  image search for Inject O2 image

and invoke/execute the Util - Inject O2 into other processes.h2 script which looks like this when opened:


Select the WindowsLiveWriter  image  process

This will open the  C# REPL script editor in the selected process, which at the moment is the Live Writer instance that I’m writing this blog post on :) )


Since the C# script is running in the same process (and CLR) than LiveWriter, we can use
return Application.OpenForms;

to get a reference to the currently opened Forms (the first is LiveWriter, the 2nd is the O2 C# REPL Editor )


We can use
var form = (Form)Application.OpenForms.first();
return form;

to get strongly typed reference to LiveWriter Form object


which we can use to (for example) change the Form’s title using the PropertyGrid (note the extra AAAAA on the title):


The title can also be changed programmatically using:
var form = (Form)Application.OpenForms.first();
form.set_Text("We can set the Form title from here too");
return form;

Which when executed will also change the Live Writer title


We can find the full name of the Form type:
var form = (Form)Application.OpenForms.first();
return form.GetType().FullName;


And its Assembly
var form = (Form)Application.OpenForms.first();
return form.GetType().Assembly.ToString();


With this info we can better cast of the OpenForm object:
var form = (PostEditorForm)Application.OpenForms.first();
return form;

//using WindowsLive.Writer.PostEditor

But before we add a couple more dependencies needed to compile the script:


Which when added:
var postEditorForm = (PostEditorForm)Application.OpenForms.first();
return postEditorForm;

//using WindowsLive.Writer.PostEditor

will compile OK and give us an instance of the PostEditorForm class:


Another example of what we can do is to access the MainMenu (note that we have access to the entire GUI and its objects)
var postEditorForm = (PostEditorForm)Application.OpenForms.first();
return postEditorForm.mainMenu().items();

//using WindowsLive.Writer.PostEditor

Note how (in the screenshot below) the Help menu was hidden (by setting the Visible property to false)


We can add a new top-level menu
var postEditorForm = (PostEditorForm)Application.OpenForms.first();
        .add_MenuItem("Say hello", ()=> "Hello".alert())
        .add_MenuItem("REPL this form", ()=> postEditorForm.script_Me());
return "done";
//using WindowsLive.Writer.PostEditor


which can be used


say Hello


or open a C# REPL


with the instance of the PostEditorForm class:


Note that this REPL will also need the extra compile references:
return postEditorForm;



Here is the code snippet to access all controls that current exist in this form:
return postEditorForm.controls(true);



And batch change the background of all those controls to pink:


A final example is to add an C# REPL script to the actual GUI (at the bottom) which can be done using:


Giving us a faster way to write the C# scripts:
