Sunday 2 December 2012

934 page eBook/PDF with this blog from

[UPDATE Mar/2014]: following what started with the post below, I have now published a book created at Leanpub on AngularJS. See Published Beta version of "Practical AngularJS" Book (in both digital and print format) for all the details

Dennis Groves called my attention to the really interesting/powerful online publishing website/service (which he is trying for publishing OWASP books).

I just tried with the content from this blog, and as a first pass, I'm quite impressed with the results.

To get the 934 page pdf (or EPUB/MOBI file) for this blog:

1) open

2) click on the Buy the eBook now! (above screenshot):
 3) set the price to zero:
 4) click on Get My Free Book :
 5) download desired file:
The 45Mb download should start (in case you want to skip these steps, the direct link that I got was (not sure if it is user session specific))

You will also get an email with the download link:

And the created Pdf doesn't look that bad :)

Specially when taking into account that this was a first pass:

LeanPub's creation/edition model is based on DropBox, but what would be really useful (and practical) would be to have the content (and its version-control) managed by Git/GitHub (Dennis Groves is trying to figure out how to create that workflow)