Saturday 25 July 2015

500 USD budget available for Google Cloud use by OWASP Projects

(below is an email I just sent to the owasp-leaders list about the 500 USD budget I requested from the 'OWASP budget available for OWASP projects')

OWASP leaders, FYI we now have a 500 USD budget approved to spend on Google Cloud (some more details on the thread below).

This is basically open to any OWASP leader to use on OWASP projects. 

Part of the idea is to figure out good use cases of using cloud resources (like the ones provided by Google Cloud) on OWASP projects

I've setup an Slack channel to talk about this and to manage its use:

If you want access to the admin console (for example to setup your linux/docker/windows VM) drop me, Fabio or Matt (ideally via Slack) a simple email and we'll add you to the cloud users ground.

This is early days of this experiment and we still need to create a couple Rules of Engagement and scripts to manage the environment, so if you want to be involved in that part of the action it would help to make this resource available to a wider community.

As a example of the kind of usage that OWASP projects can have of these Google Cloud resources, based on a recent thread on the O2 Platform mailing list (How-To Request: Running Real Time feedback inside Visual Studio with C# REPL) we are setting up a Windows VM with VisualStudio 2010