Thursday, 31 May 2012

Video: O2 Script to Inject Snoop into process with WPF control

Here is a example of using the O2 Platform to consume other tools capabilities.

In this case we are going to use the powerful Snoop API to visualize and manipulate the WPF controls hosted on another process.

Snoop is very powerful and it uses a pretty sweet remote process injection to do its trick. The O2 Script you can see below invokes directly the process injection sequence (after starting a process with a WPF control)

Here is a video that show this in action:

And here is the script:
This next video was created when trying to use Snoop to find VisualStudio's TextEditor WPF control (see Snoop Tips & Tricks #1: Ctrl-Shift Mouse Over  for a much faster way to find an WPF child control):

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