Thursday, 8 July 2010

I'm looking for work (O2 related work :) ) and O2's Commercial Ecosystem

Now that the OWASP O2 Platform is finally ready for a wider audience, I'm focusing on my next challenge which is to create a vibrant and healthy commercial ecosystem around O2.

Since I'm probably the only guy in the world that today really knows how to get the most power out of O2, and, the one that is able to successfully use it in real-world commercial engagements, if you are looking to hire an O2 expert, the best person for you to hire is me (as you can see below, as the O2 Ecosystem grows, I will also put you in touch with other O2 experts)

Of course that I don't scale, and there is only a small number of security engagements that I can be involved at any given time.

My objective in personalising this request, is so that I can be exposed to new 'O2 related business' opportunities, which I will then push/expose to existing consulting security companies and/or security tool vendors.

Why? Because the higher the 'O2 related revenue streams' that these companies have, the more they will invest in O2 (namely the more time and effort they will put into integrating O2 into their current technology and business practices).

The challenge is how to kickstart this process?

My plan is to:

- Use me (as main O2 developer and reputable (I hope) security consultant) to attract clients that need application security reviews and expertise
- Funnel most of these 'O2 related' engagements to existing 'O2 Platform Accredited Service Providers' and work directly with them in the first couple engagements
- Create a number of 'non services related' revenue streams for O2, which I will then use to build a solid development and support team for O2

So, if you ever wanted to hire me to work on an security engagement or have a problem that you fell O2 can solve, now is the perfect time to talk :)

If you are a security consultancy company and want to be one of these 'O2 Platform Accredited Service Provider', drop me a line or wait for the announcement of how the process will work.