(email just sent to the current O2 website account holders)
Subject: OWASP O2 Platform update and 'WebEx on using the O2 Spring Mvc Module to exploit vulnerabilities in the PetClinic application'
Since my last update there have been tons of stuff happening at O2 :)
- It is now called the OWASP O2 Platform and it will be co-hosted at the OWASP website (current placeholder http://www.owasp.org/index.
php/OWASP_O2_Platform ) - I have done a number of O2 related presentations at OWASP chapters and conferences and I highly recommend that you see this one (OWASP O2 Platform - London Chapter - 3rd Sep 2009.pdf) to understand what is O2 , and this one (O2 Modules Presentation V1.0.pdf) to see what are the current (22) O2 modules.
- On the topic of OWASP conferences, here are some pictures from the O2 stand at the last OWASP AppSec Ireland conference.
- Tomorrow (friday 18th) I'm delivering a 'WebEx on using the O2 Spring Mvc Module to exploit vulnerabilities in the PetClinic application' , you are more
- than invited to join in and participate (see here more details about this webex)
- If you want to download the latest version of O2, you can get it from the links on http://www.o2-ounceopen.com/
- Finally, here are a number of O2 related blog posts I recently published:
- O2: 'Open Platform for automating application security knowledge and workflows'
- OSA+O2 questions and Python/C# findings filtering sample
- Update on O2 & Ounce & IBM , Update #2 on O2 & IBM - 02 Sep 09
- O2 work on Jul & Aug 2009 , O2 work on Q1& April 2009
- Top tips on compiling O2 from source
- Spring MVC 3.0 MVC Binding rules
- How Dangerous is XSS on web based CMS (Content Management Systems)
- Why I want to live in an insecure world?
- Why We Need Breakers ( ... and virus writters ... )
- Past research on Sandboxing and Code Access Security (CAS)
- The O2 Power users have also started to get their hands dirty and here are some blog posts from them
- (let me know if you want me to change your O2 website account so that you can post to the O2 Power Users Blog)
O2 has really matured over the last couple months, are what I really need now is for you to give it a good test drive
and help me making the OWASP O2 Platform something that is easy to use (by security consultants like you :) ).
Looking forward to your comments, ideas and usage reports
Dinis Cruz