What I really wanted was to be able to create Maps from an serverless environment, namely from an Lambda Function.
After some research, I was able to find a nice way to do just that

After playing with a number of scenarios and techniques I zoomed in on the following tech stack:
- AWS API Gateway exposes an url that calls an
- Lambda function, which saves the data supplied (coffeescript) in a file that will be loaded by an HTML page
- the html will load up visjs 1 which is what will render the graph (in the browser)
- start a local python web server, that
- uses pyppeteer to open up a headless version of chrome, and
- opens the page exposed by the web server in the headless browser, and
- takes screenshot of the page, and
- returns png value (to the browser or lambda caller)
- Hugo was also used locally during develpment