(email I just send to all onsite and remote Owasp Summit 2017 participants)
Hi Summit Participant (BCCed)
Hi Summit Participant (BCCed)
I hope you are having a good weekend and have some energy for some Summit related GitHub Pull Request activities :)
In the last couple days we added a number of new Working Sessions which I'm sure you will be very interested in at least a couple:
- Diffing and Version Control Threat Models
- Threat Modeling by Feature and Layer
- Threat Modeling Diagramming Techniques
- Threat Modeling pure Javascript Applications
- Threat Modeling Tools
- Threat Modeling - Where do I Start?
- Use Threat Models to Lock Developers Briefs
- Using JIRA and Confluence to Store Threat Model Data
- Security Champions Threat Modeling
- Docker Security
- Application Security Guide for CISO
- CISO Survey
- Scaling Threat Modeling
- BeyondCorp for internal Web Applications
- Protobuf for Data Validation Between Services
- Future of .Net Containers
- Node Security Round Table
- GraphQL Security Review
- LANGSEC Language-theoretic Security
Please fell free to add yourself as an organiser or participant, and more importantly, add your views/ideas on what should be covered in these Working Sessions
You can use GitHub's Pull Request workflow, or send your ideas/comments to one of the Summit Editors (CCed in this email) which will be more than happy to help you.
Thanks for you support and Summit participation.
Dinis Cruz