Monday, 31 March 2014

Published Beta version of "Thoughts on OWASP" eBook

After releasing the "Practical AngularJS",  Practical Git and GitHub,  Practical Jni4Net and Practical Eclipse books, here is an equivalent book containing my OWASP related blog posts.

This new eBook has 165 pages and is made of 67 blog posts published in the last couple years.

The posts are grouped by topic and represent a lot of my thinking about OWASP, the current AppSec industry and other philosophical ideas.

This eBook is available at

You can download it for free, or you can also chose to pay a little bit (which would be great, since that would help with production, design, editing and layout costs).

For the ones that prefer 'real books' I will be also creating soon a project for this book.

Note: the book editing workflow is based on Git and this GitHub Repository

Book's Blog posts

For reference here is the table of contents for the Thoughts on OWASP book :