Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Published Beta version of "Practical Git and GitHub" eBook

After releasing "Practical AngularJS", here is an equivalent book containing my Git and GitHub related posts.

The book has 411 pages and is made of 60 blog posts published in the last 18 months.

As with the first release of the AngularJS book, I'm starting with the original chronological/published order, and will try later to figure out a better logical way to group these posts together.

The article's Html was converted by LeanPub into Markdown, who also created the eBook versions linked below (pdf, mobi, epub and online)

At the moment the book can be downloaded for free, but you can also chose to pay (which would be great, since that will help with production, design, editing and layout costs).

Please take a look and let me know what you think of the structure, font, layout, order, content, voice, idea, etc... (you can email me with your comments, or use this LeanPub forum)

Here are the links to the multiple places you can get the book:
  • eBook from (PDF, EPub or MOBI): I've set the minimum price to zero so you can download it for free (for instructions see end of this post)
  • Online : LeanPub also publishes the entire book available in one long HTML page (note that there are LOTS of images to load in this page)

Book's Blog posts

For reference here is the table of contents:

It's interesting looking at this list of posts, since most represent real (and hairy) problems I had to solve over the past 18 months, while using Git and GitHub in my current active development projects (O2 Platform and TeamMentor)