I have to say that I'm really impressed with the end result, and as you will see below, there entire process (from install to published website) was really smooth.
Note 1: in the example below I already had created an Firebase app to hold the data (see Using Firebase to sync data with a webpage (via Javascript, REST and Firebase Admin panel) for details on how to create one)
Note 2: at the time I wrote this post, the website created is/was (depending on when you are reading this) hosted at https://tm-admin-test.firebaseapp.com/
Starting with the instructions from Firebase hosting page:
1) Install the firebase tools
2) Run the firebase BootStrap
... after logging in (above), we are asked to chose the 'firebase' app to use (below)
... then pick the template to use (I chose the angular one)
... and that's it:
Here are the files created locally (all under the tm-admin-test folder)
3) Deploy the application
... which is also super quick.
After completion the default browser is opened with the created website, which looked like this:
4) Testing the test app
The created/published test app has a simple Firebase 3-way data binding example, where changes in an angular-binded model, are propagated to the server, and distributed to any connected clients (the image below shows two browsers and the firebase admin panel, all synced in real time (regardless where the data is changed))
There is a basic Chat page:
... which allows new messages to be added and viewed in real time:
Also included is a Login page (with account creation capabilities):
5) Review the security rules
At this stage it's good to take a look at the security rules added to this Firebase app.
In the image below we can see that:
- Anonymous users can read all data, but not write by default
- The syncedValue object can be read and written by all
- there is a validation on this field that ensures that it is not empty and not bigger that 100 chars
- The messages object (i.e. 'firebase section/subdomain'):
- can be read by all
- each message must include a property called text with a max length of 1000 chars
- (I think) the .validate = false means that no other properties can be added
- the users object:
- each $user child object:
- can be read if the current user matches its name (i.e. it is logged in as that user)
- each user can write into two fields: name and email (both with a max length of 2000)
6) Create an account
To test the provided authorisation solution, let's start by trying to login with an account that doesn't exist:
... then click on the Register button (which just adds a confirm pass field)
Here is what the 'post register/login' page looks like (note that the top-menu-bar login link was also changed to account)
Clicking on home takes us to the first page, which also shows a different message (now that we are logged in)
Interestingly the Chat page doesn't seem to take into account that we are logged in now (would be nice to show the current user in the message posted)
6) Take a look at data (as stored in the assigned Firebase app)
Using the control panel for the current app:
a) here is the syncedValue object
b) here is the messages object (which is a firebase kind-of-array, based on a name/value pair. The name is the node text (for example -JGoCMZRRGo1WQHmYxmc) and the value is the child text node value (for example test )):
c) There was a new users node/object in the root of the app's data:
... which contains the user provided (and 'editable by that user') data (email and name)
And where is the user's credentials?
The user created was added to the current list of 'registered users' , and it must be stored somewhere inside firebase servers since we don't have access to it (hopefully it is stored using a nice strong hashing algorithm)
Wrapping up
Kudos to the Firebase team for providing such easy-to-use hosting solution (next step for me is to try to use it in the TeamMentor PoC I'm currently working on)
For reference the AngularJS+Firebase website that was created by the Firebase cli tool, is the one available at https://github.com/firebase/angularFire-seed (which contains a nice README.md file with more details)