Yes VisualStudio is one of the places where we want to use Cat.NET's engine and GUIs, but it is also very important to be able to run it as a stand-alone tool (and to inject it into other .NET applications).
Here is a video that shows a GUI/script I created with the O2 Platfrom, which shows the execution of Cat.NET GUIs + Scanning engine outside VisualStudio, and a couple extra features added.
Some of the features added:
- Drag and drop support for:
- loading previous Cat.NET scans (*.xml files)
- scanning *.dlls or *.exe
- compiling (using Roslyn) and scanning *.sln files
- Source-Code viewer to quickly the traces created
- New top buttons (the previous buttons were removed for now since they had some VS dependencies)
Here is a document that shows how this GUI was created (and how the Cat.NET dlls where consumed using O2's reflection APIs)
Related Posts:
- Video: Real time Vulnerability Scanning using Cat.Net and Roslyn (SAST)
- Video: Injecting TeamMentor into Cat.Net running inside VisualStudio
- New Reddit Community for Cat.Net