Following from Why we are going to use AngularJs 1.3 on TM ...
On jQuery, my experience (in both developing and reviewing jQuery apps) is that it tends to promote an 'lets just hack it to make it work' kind of development workflow. In jQuert code, there are always tons of DOM manipulations, which will always include (browser specific and other) hacks, and create code with quite a lot of dependencies and lack-of-isolation between components. Basically you shown me an large jQuery app (like the one we developed) and It most likely be an app hard to refactor, hard to maintain and hard to understand what really is going on (ironically the power of jQuery tends to create this stuff, since it is always possible to 'fix something' by adding a bit of jQuery somewhere).
And of course jQuery is also a nightmare from a security point of view, since there are quite a lot of sinks that will transform strings into code.
In order to make TeamMentor secure and easy to code we are using the following stack/technologies: