- O2 Script: Create XSD and Assembly from XML file
- Consuming extension method from external file
- Creating an API to be consumed by an O2 Script
A personal blog about: transforming Web Application Security into an 'Application Visibility' engine, the OWASP O2 Platform, Application/Data interoperability and a lot more
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Couple blog posts on creating O2 Scripts and APIs
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Open letter to WebAppSec Tool and Services vendors: Release your schemas and allow automation
To WebAppSec vendors
This request is mainly focused on the commercial vendors of products and services of the following WebAppSec categories: Pen-testing, Code Review, BlackBox Scanning, WhiteBox Scanning and WAFs.
Other software/services categories, including equivalent Open Source tools, are more than welcomed to participate.
Open Letter
Open letter to WebAppSec tool/services vendors: Release your schemas and allow automation
Dear vendor,
Although you provide a product or service that automates (as much as you can) the process of evaluating the security of a particular application, at the moment (Feb 2011) it is very hard to consume, consolidate, integrate and instrument your deliverables and technology.
Our industry (and clients) desperately need to move into a world where we are able to consolidate, analyse and present the results created by multiple tools/services. This would create a scenario where we (for example) are able to deliver to developers (as Unit Tests or Software-as-a-Service) 'complete and integrated' findings (i.e. security findings that contain both WhiteBox and BlackBox findings). We also need to be able to create WAF rules from the findings delivered, and must have the ability to integrate them with other technologies used through the Software Development LifeCycle (e.g. BugTracking, Change Control, Application Modelling/Design Tools, Threat Modelling tools, Knowledge-Base/ELearning solutions, etc...)
At the moment there are numerous companies and projects that are trying to achieve such integration (good luck on their endeavours), but we need an independent base we call all work from.
With this in mind, the following data and artifacts are requested from you and ALL product vendors in this space :
- The XSD (schemas) for ALL released versions of your product/service (starting with the most recent release and going back as far as possible)
- Sample XML files (or whatever format the data can be exported) of: vulnerable-by-design and Open Source web applications - To kickstart this process please deliver the results for the following applications:
- OWASP WebGoat (Java),
- HacmeBank - OWASP version (.Net),
- MediaWiki (PHP),
- NerdDinner (ASP.NET MVC),
- PetStore (Struts/Spring version)]
- PetStore (DWR version).
- Other applications can be also provided at the discretion of the vendors (as long as it is possible to also scan those applications from other tools/services)
- Artifacts created during scanning (for example Internal representations of source code or web applications)
- Rules used during the scans (to allow the replication of findings and the creation of a core 'industry wide' set of rules)
- APIs that can be used to instrument and control your scanning engine (please provide as much documentation as possible on the currently supported ways to interact with your product)
With these materials (to be uploaded to a google code repository), the OWASP community will try to create the following standards (reusing as much as possible the great work done by others in this space (MITRE, CWE, NIST, OVAL, etc...):
- Open Findings Schema
- Open Rules Schema
- Open Application Artifacts Schema (which could also be called: Open Scan Targets Schema)
- Open Intermediate Representation Schema (abstraction layer of code and web assets)
The OWASP Summit 2011 represents a unique opportunity to make this happen, so please either provide the requested data yourselves, or allow your current clients to do so (without the thread of a lawsuit)
The undersigned below, urge you to join these effort and to active participate in this endeavour
If you want to sign , please do it here (on OWASP website)
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
OWASP Summit 2011 Results
- Pdf Format (http://www.owasp.org/
images/2/27/OWASP_Summit_2011_ )Results.pdf - Word Format (http://www.owasp.org/
images/2/27/OWASP_Summit_2011_ )Results.docx
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Register your interest in participating in the O2 Platform Working Session at the OWASP Summit
Description:This session will focus on exchanging experiences between O2 users and on how to make O2 easier to use and consume. There are a lot of areas that O2 can add value during security reviews, the problem most O2 users have is 'I know that it can be done, but how?'. Another key topic for discussion and debate is the 'No more security reports as PDFs concept' (where after a security engagement, clients should be given Unit Tests, not PDFs)Objectives:
- Define 'What is O2'
- Map out easy ways to start using O2
- Document success stories and 'real world' O2 usage
- Simple user’s guide that shows how to install, configure, and use O2 to do a few simple common things
- Detailed workflows for the more complex features
- Roadmap for the next version of O2
Participate remotely on the OWASP Summit
- Home page: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Summit_2011
- List of planned working sessions: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Summit_2011_Working_Sessions
- List of confirmed attendees (160 at last count): http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Summit_2011_Attendee
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
list of application security links
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Feed - OWASP AppSec Feed (if you only follow one XML feed, follow this one)
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Top_Ten_Project - OWASP Top 10 Document (should be mandatory reading for everybody)
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebGoat_Project - Vulnerable Web Application in J2EE (designed as a learning tool)
- http://code.google.com/p/owasp-hacmebank/downloads/list - Vulnerable Web Application in .NET (designed as a banking application)
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Testing_Project - OWASP Testing Guide (provides good foundation for Security focused testing)
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Legal_Project - Great document that shows an example of a what should exist (from a security point of view) on a software development contract
- http://www.opensamm.org/ - A Maturity Model based of what companies should be doing (this a type of SDL)
- http://bsimm.com/ - A Maturity Model based on what a number of large companies are doing
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sdl/archive/2011/01/26/only-16-security-practices-implementation-guidance-included.aspx - Good '16 steps to have an SDL' guidance from Microsoft
- http://o2platform.com , http://o2platform.wordpress.com/ - Info about the O2 Platform
- http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/ - Great application Security Blog (from WhiteHat founder)
- http://1raindrop.typepad.com/1_raindrop/ - Great application Security Bog