Thursday, 23 June 2016

40 technologies used on the 'Maturity Models' nodeJS application

I've been working on an Maturity Model application to help me manage a project where I'm doing an large BSIMM mapping exercise.

The tech stack is based on NodeJS + Angular, and it looks like this:

Since I was able to implement some of the Application Security patterns that I mention in my Trainings, I decided to use it on an updated version of my Practical Angular JS book.

Due to the large number of interesting technologies on that project (which has a full automated CI pipeline), I though it would be useful to list them all on a section called 'Technologies used', which is is (so far) made of 40 different items (from dev to deployment)

The fact that there are so many technologies and techniques at play, is a good example of how complex application's development can be, and why it is so hard to secure them all.

Here is the list of 40, with the idea being that I will add detailed descriptions about each one to the Book (feel free to open issues with questions about these technologies)

Let me know if I missed anything